N19E84 Data 2021-05-06
Long Jupiter -177 area 210
New region 12822 [N19E72] rotated partly into view late on May 6N19E72 Data 2021-05-07
Long Jupiter -163 area 210
New region 12822 [N19E72] rotated partly into view late on May 6 and was numbered by SWPC the next day. The region is somewhat unstable and produced a long duration M3.9/1N flare at 19:04 UT. A fast CME was observed off the eastern limbN18E56 Data 2021-05-08
Long Jupiter -146 area 250
Region 12822 [N18E56] continued to be somewhat unstable. The region is relatively compact and has polarity intermixing. The two main penumbrae are fairly close. If they merge a magnetic delta will form.N18E46 Data 2021-05-09
Long Jupiter -135 area 250
Region 12822 [N18E46] gained small spots while the distance between two main penumbral areas decreased. A magnetic delta will form if they merge. The region produced 3 C flares. Minor M class flaring is likely over the next daysN18E32 Data 2021-05-10
Long Jupiter -120 area 270
Region 12822 [N18E32] did not display any major changes and still has the potential to produce minor M class flares. The main positive and negative penumbral areas are still approaching each other.N18E19 Data 2021-05-11
Long Jupiter -106 area 270
Region 12822 [N18E19] developed a magnetic delta as the two main opposite polarity umbrae are now inside the same penumbra. The region displayed slowly decay otherwise. There is a chance of a minor M class flare.N18E06 Data 2021-05-12
Long Jupiter -92 area 120
Region 12822 [N18E06] decayed slowly and still has a weak magnetic delta. A single C1 flare was recorded during the day. Misurazione area 240/2=120N18W08 Data 2021-05-13
Long Jupiter -78 area 100
Region 12822 [N18W08] decayed further and lost the magnetic delta 78/2=39N18W21 Data 2021-05-14
Long Jupiter -65 area 90
Region 12822 [N18W21] decayed slowly and quietly.N18W35 Data 2021-05-15
Long Jupiter -50 area 60
Region 12822 [N18W35] decayed slowly and quietly.N18W48 Data 2021-05-16
Long Jupiter -36 area 50
Region 12822 [N18W48] decayed slowly and quietly.N18W61 Data 2021-05-17
Long Jupiter -23 area 70
Region 12822 [N18W61] decayed slowly and quietly.N17W74 Data 2021-05-18
Long Jupiter -8 area 70
Region 12822 [N17W74] was quiet and stable.
Stefano Zottele - S-Spots Data from Jan Alvested Solen info Position data from Agostino Frosini - Agopax.it Images: Jan Alvested from Solen.info AND Courtesy of NASA/SDO and the AIA, EVE, and HMI science teams. |